Register below to join us for the Midwest Regional Seeds Field Day: Selecting, saving, and selling regionally adapted varieties on your farm. Learn how seed saving farmers make selections to improve or maintain crop varieties, and how working with seed companies and universities can strengthen your farm operation. Topics and demonstrations will include regionally specific seed saving techniques, useful tools for both small-scale and wholesale seed growers, and more to be determined. See how regionally adapted seed varieties are bred by and for organic farmers. Hosted by Organic Seed Alliance and Greg Reynolds of Riverbend Farm, in collaboration with Koby Jeshkeit-Hagen of Seed Sages, and Dr. Julie Dawson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Not in the area or prefer to watch online? No problem, we’ll come to you! Join us live on Instagram at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 pm CDT for virtual tours of the farm and to chat with presenters and participants during the event. Follow OSA on Instagram @organic_seed_alliance and turn on notifications for live videos so you don’t miss it!
This field day is being offered free of charge, though pre-registration at the form below is required. Questions? Contact Michael Lordon.
The event is made possible thanks to grant funding from the Minnesota Specialty Crop Block Grant and the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative programs.
COVID-19 Public Health Protocols
Subject to change. Updated 8/26/21.
Those planning to attend our in-person field day are expected to prioritize the health and safety of all attendees, as well as OSA staff and on-site hosts, by agreeing to respect the following safety protocols.
Although our event will be held outdoors, masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required for all event attendees, regardless of vaccination and test status, for the duration of the event, as set by the guidelines of our host farm. Masks may be removed while eating or drinking. OSA will have masks available onsite.
The event will be set up to encourage physical distancing by planning adequate space between stations and utilizing voice amplification systems when necessary.
Additionally, OSA requests that individuals stay home and instead are invited to join us for a virtual broadcast of the event (see event page for more details) if they meet any of the following criteria:
- They have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last ten days.
- They are waiting for COVID-19 test results.
- They have COVID-19 symptoms.
- They have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19.
- They know in advance that they will not be able to meet the state, local or host site protocols as referenced.
Any individual failing to comply with these protocols will not be admitted or allowed to remain at the event. If you have questions or concerns, please discuss them with our on-site staff or contact OSA Events Coordinator Rebekah Korenowsky Woods at
OSA staff are continuing to monitor safety guidelines and local COVID-19 case data and we may adjust our protocols based on case rates and/or county or CDC guidelines at the time of the event. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
For more information, please view the county website below for the most updated COVID-19 guidance in each region.
Wright County, Minnesota:
CDC References: