The Self-Guided Tutorial in Organic Seed Production was developed in 2016-2017 by OSA and MESA and was designed to supplement an on-farm seed production training experience. Tutorial users move through the topics at their own pace and are encouraged to connect with other growers and OSA staff. This is a six-part series of pre-recorded webinars and includes: 1) Introduction; 2) Trials and Selection; 3) Diseases and Pests; 4) Seed Quality, Harvesting Techniques, and Equipment; 5) Cleaning and Record Keeping; and 6) Seed Contracting and Economics.
An introduction to the six-part Self-Guided Tutorial in Organic Seed Production webinar series.
Trials and Selection
This webinar covers the basics of conducting on-farm variety trials including sourcing germplasm, field plot design, trial evaluation, and making sense of the data. Presenters also cover basics of field selection or roguing to improve performance of open pollinated seed crops.
Diseases and Pests
This webinar covers tools and strategies for managing diseases and pests in organic seed production crops.
Seed Quality, Harvesting Techniques, and Equipment
This webinar covers when, how, and what to do after harvesting seed crops.
Cleaning and Record Keeping
This webinar covers the how-to’s and importance of cleaning your seed crops as well as record keeping for success.
Seed Contracting and Economics
This webinar covers the basics in contracting with companies to grow seed and seed economics.