The following article is cross-posted from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's (NSAC) blog series, "What's at Stake in the Farm …

Putting the power of seed into the hands of growers
The following article is cross-posted from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's (NSAC) blog series, "What's at Stake in the Farm …
Half of the Willamette Valley is in danger of being opened up to canola production. Canola is a serious threat to several thriving …
Sierra Seed Cooperative had the pleasure of hosting Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) to teach a Fundamentals of On-Farm Plant Breeding Workshop …
Brook Brouwer grew up on a small sheep farm on Lopez Island, WA. He graduated with a B.A. in Biology from Colorado College in 2008. In …
Michael Mazourek is the Calvin Noyes Keeney assistant professor of Plant Breeding in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics at …
Adrienne Shelton is a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, earning a Master’s and PhD with Dr. Bill Tracy. Her …
The Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture's draft recommendations add to the burden already carried by organic …
The organic movement has grown because many recognize that the path of breeding and farming that humanity is presently engaged in needs to …
Promoting an abundant and diverse organic seed supply, tended in perpetuity by skilled and interconnected communities