On September 8th OSA linked with the Culinary Breeding Network, Oregon State University and the Northwest Regional Food Business Center to co-host an Organic Grains Producer x Buyer Matchmaking Event in Portland, OR.
Supported by the TOPP program and co- facilitated with Hannah Brause (Washington State University), this event formed valuable connections and explored opportunities in the organic grain market and network with industry peers before the Culinary Breeding Network’s Variety Showcase.
Organic Grain Growers and Buyers Networking at the Grain Grower x Buyer Matchmaking Event Sept 8th.
Claudia Carter (CA Wheat Commission) and Tom Hunton (Camas Country Mill) at the Grain Grower x Buyer Matchmaking Event.
Later on September 8th OSA presented the fruits of our Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture (CIOA) research as part of the Culinary Breeding Network’s Variety Showcase. Paired with the Portland based restaurant Rangoon Bistro, our dish included a spicy shredded carrot slaw that celebrated the delicious results of years of carrot breeding work.
Micaela Colley and Rangoon Bistro and the Culinary Breeding Network’s Variety Showcase
This event was supported through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).